• kubectl
    DevOps,  Kubernetes

    (My) kubectl cheatsheet

    Table of Contents

    General purpose

    # Lists all configured contexts
    kubectl config get-contexts
    # Changes the default namespace
    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=namespace_name
    # Elects a node as worker
    kubectl label node node_name node-role.kubernetes.io/worker=worker
    # Removes taint from node, the "-" at end of node role means "untaint" rather than "taint"
    kubectl taint node node_name node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane-

    Fetching objects info

    # lists all pods on default namespace showing only their name
    Kubectl get pods -o=name
    # lists all pods on default namespace showing a custom list of attributes and setting columns names
    k get pods -o=custom-columns="NAME:.metadata.name,STATUS:.status.phase"

    Executing pods

    # Creates and outputs to the console (as YAML) the code to create a pod running image-nginx
    kubectl run --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml mypod
    # Gives you access to the shell (bash) of container container_name running into pod pod_name
    kubectl exec -it [container_name] pod_name -- bash
    # Creates and runs a pod with container image = nginx
    kubectl run --image=nginx mypod


    # forwards requests from port 16686 (node) to port 16686 (cluster) accepting requests from all network interfaces (param --address
    kubectl port-forward --address  $(kubectl get pods -l=app="jaeger" -o name) 16686:16686

    Accessing pod logs

    # stream logs from pod pod_name on namespace ns
    kubectl logs -f -n ns pods/pod_name
    # stream logs from pod pod_name on namespace ns newer than a relative duration
    kubectl logs --since=1h -n ns pods/pod_name
    # return logs after a specific date (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl logs --since-time=2020-08-13T10:46:00.000000000Z -n ns pods/pod_name
    # print the logs for the previous instance of the container (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl logs --previous -n ns pods/pod_name
    # print the logs of this container (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl logs -c -n ns pods/pod_name
    # print all events in chronological order (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl get events --sort-by=’.metadata.creationTimestamp’ -n ns pods/pod_name
    # print pod details like status or recent events (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl describe pod -n ns pods/pod_name
    # multi-container pod, selects logs from a specific container (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl logs -c container_name pod_name -n ns pods/pod_name