
  • Prometheus logo
    DevOps,  Kubernetes,  Monitoring Tools,  Prometheus

    Prometheus-operator: How to add custom scrape targets

    Prometheus-operator comes with pre-configured scrape targets to keep an eye on kubernetes cluster standard components. At some point, you might want to add some custom targets to monitor your application. This page shows you how to achieve it.

    • Create a yaml manifest that includes all the extra custom scrape targets you want to add:
      • Sample file: prometheus-additional.yaml
    - job_name: "your_custom_job_name"
      - targets: ["your_endpoint_providing_metrics:your_port"]
      metrics_path: "/a/b/c/metrics/application"

    Target configuration settings

    Value of “targets” can only be a hostname or ip address (typically: Your application pod’s Service name, e.g. podname.namespace.svc.cluster.local) and the corresponding port.

    By default, in case you do NOT specify the “metrics_path”, prometheus will contact http://hostname:port/metrics

    In case your application provides metrics to a different path, you must provide it as value of “metrics_path”.

    • Create a Secret yaml manifest with name = additional-scrape-configs reading the content from file prometheus-additional.yaml created on step 1 above:
    # kubectl create secret generic additional-scrape-configs --from-file=prometheus-additional.yaml --dry-run=client -o yaml > additional-scrape-configs.yaml
    • Create a Secret using the yaml manifest generated on step 2 above and make sure to assign it to the same namespace in use by prometheus:
    # kubectl apply -f additional-scrape-configs.yaml -n monitoring
    • Edit your Prometheus CRD (Custom Resource Definition) and add a reference to your additional scrape configs (new block: spec.additionalScrapeConfigs):
    # kubectl edit prometheus/prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus -n monitoring
    kind: Prometheus
      annotations: prometheus monitoring
      creationTimestamp: "2022-09-15T07:20:00Z"
      generation: 2
        app: kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus prometheus Helm kube-prometheus-stack 40.0.0
        chart: kube-prometheus-stack-40.0.0
        heritage: Helm
        release: prometheus
      name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus
      namespace: monitoring
      resourceVersion: "11481588"
      uid: 465362f4-a309-4022-94fb-62f5e22f4828
        key: prometheus-additional.yaml
        name: additional-scrape-configs
    . . .
    • Restart kube-prometheus and kube-operator pods:
    # kubectl delete -n monitoring $(kubectl get pods -o=name -n monitoring -l app=kube-prometheus-stack-operator)
    # kubectl delete -n monitoring $(kubectl get pods -o=name -n monitoring -l

    As soon as the new pods come up, metrics collected from your new targets will be accessible from Prometheus/Grafana.

  • Prometheus logo
    DevOps,  Kubernetes,  Monitoring Tools,  Prometheus

    Prometheus operator – how to add custom alerts

    Learn how to add your custom rules to prometheus-operator running on kubernetes

    Prometheus-operator comes with a set of pre-installed alerting rules, but typically you want to add extra ones, looking after your own application running on the kubernetes cluster.

    This page shows you how.

    • Create a new ConfigMap that includes all your new custom groups and related rules. Sample yaml manifest:
    kind: PrometheusRule
        prometheus: prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus
        role: alert-rules
        release: prometheus
      name: prometheus-test-rules
      namespace: monitoring
      - name: ./test.rules
        - alert: No connections to external systems
          expr: (application_test_ext_system_total > 0) and (application_test_ext_system_connections_count_total == 0)
          for: 3m
            severity: warning
      - name: ./test-ddos.rules
        - alert: Detect anomalies on network traffic
          expr: (( rate(node_network_receive_packets_total[5m]) / rate(node_network_receive_packets_total[5m] offset 5m)) > 10) and ( rate(node_network_receive_packets_total[5m]) > 1000)
          for: 3m
            severity: warning
    • Restart your prometheus master pod so that the new ConfigMap created above is loaded:
    $ kubectl delete -n monitoring $(k get pods -n monitoring -o=name -l
    Prometheus web UI

    Checking rules validity

    Alerting rules are going through a syntax check at prometheus core startup.

    This can also be done upfront, using the “promtool” utility, part of prometheus core container.

    Prometheus running Pods


    $ promtool check config your_custom_rules_file.yaml

    Sample rules yaml file:

    - name: ./test.rules
      - alert: No connections to external systems
        expr: (application_test_ext_system_total > 0) and (application_test_ext_system_connections_count_total == 0)
        for: 3m
          severity: warning
    - name: ./test-ddos.rules
      - alert: Detect anomalies on network traffic
        expr: (( rate(node_network_receive_packets_total[5m]) / rate(node_network_receive_packets_total[5m] offset 5m)) > 10) and ( rate(node_network_receive_packets_total[5m]) > 1000)
        for: 3m
          severity: warning

    Prometheus does NOT check whether the metrics/labels you provide on the custom rules ConfigMap are valid and existing.

    To retrieve the list of available metrics, you can create a new panel on Grafana and take advantage of auto-completion or just use the Prometheus web UI.

  • kubectl
    DevOps,  Kubernetes

    (My) kubectl cheatsheet

    Table of Contents

    General purpose

    # Lists all configured contexts
    kubectl config get-contexts
    # Changes the default namespace
    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=namespace_name
    # Elects a node as worker
    kubectl label node node_name
    # Removes taint from node, the "-" at end of node role means "untaint" rather than "taint"
    kubectl taint node node_name

    Fetching objects info

    # lists all pods on default namespace showing only their name
    Kubectl get pods -o=name
    # lists all pods on default namespace showing a custom list of attributes and setting columns names
    k get pods -o=custom-columns=",STATUS:.status.phase"

    Executing pods

    # Creates and outputs to the console (as YAML) the code to create a pod running image-nginx
    kubectl run --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml mypod
    # Gives you access to the shell (bash) of container container_name running into pod pod_name
    kubectl exec -it [container_name] pod_name -- bash
    # Creates and runs a pod with container image = nginx
    kubectl run --image=nginx mypod


    # forwards requests from port 16686 (node) to port 16686 (cluster) accepting requests from all network interfaces (param --address
    kubectl port-forward --address  $(kubectl get pods -l=app="jaeger" -o name) 16686:16686

    Accessing pod logs

    # stream logs from pod pod_name on namespace ns
    kubectl logs -f -n ns pods/pod_name
    # stream logs from pod pod_name on namespace ns newer than a relative duration
    kubectl logs --since=1h -n ns pods/pod_name
    # return logs after a specific date (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl logs --since-time=2020-08-13T10:46:00.000000000Z -n ns pods/pod_name
    # print the logs for the previous instance of the container (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl logs --previous -n ns pods/pod_name
    # print the logs of this container (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl logs -c -n ns pods/pod_name
    # print all events in chronological order (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl get events --sort-by=’.metadata.creationTimestamp’ -n ns pods/pod_name
    # print pod details like status or recent events (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl describe pod -n ns pods/pod_name
    # multi-container pod, selects logs from a specific container (pod=pod_name, namespace=ns)
    kubectl logs -c container_name pod_name -n ns pods/pod_name
  • Jaeger
    DevOps,  Kubernetes

    Kubernetes Distributed Tracing (Jaeger)

    Table of Contents


    Jaeger is a tool to trace requests within an application distributed over a kubernetes cluster.

    It requires to deploy a sidecar container within each pod running the application we want to monitor.

    The sidecar container (jaeger-agent) will collect data from the pod and send the same to the jaeger-server (running on a dedicated pod).



    • Deploy an ingress-controller
    helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx   --repo   --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespa
    kubectl apply -f
    • Create namespace observability
    kubectl create namespace observability
    kubectl create -f -n observability
    • Create a resource implementing the operator created on step above
    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: Jaeger
      name: simplest

    The following objects must be available in the cluster once installation is successfully completed:

    [root@mr-k8s-demo1 ~]# k get all -n observability
    NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/jaeger-operator-f9d5b7569-9px49   2/2     Running   0          2d23h
    NAME                                      TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    service/jaeger-operator-metrics           ClusterIP     <none>        8443/TCP   2d23h
    service/jaeger-operator-webhook-service   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP    2d23h
    NAME                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/jaeger-operator   1/1     1            1           2d23h
    NAME                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/jaeger-operator-f9d5b7569   1         1         1       2d23h

    Configuring app to be monitored

    The app that needs to be monitored must implement open-tracing tracer initialization.

    Implementation differs depending on the language/framework in use.

    Jaeger agent, running as sidecar, can be injected by adding the following annotation:


    Accessing jaeger web console

    Jaeger server is by default available on port 16686.

    For testing / occasional monitoring purposes, the port can be made available using kubernetes’ built-in port-forward:

    kubectl port-forward --address  $(kubectl get pods -l=app="jaeger" -o name) 16686:16686

    From this moment, jaeger web UI is accessible at http://k8s_host_ip_address:16686

  • DevOps,  Docker

    Docker cheatsheet

    Table of Contents


    docker exec -ti CONTAINER_ID command_to_executeRuns, interactive mode, a command over a container already running (e.g. starts the shell, /bin/sh)
    docker rmi IMAGE_NAMEDeletes the image (all existing containers based on this image must have been stopped and deleted upfront)
    docker rm CONTAINER_IDDeletes the container
    docker stop CONTAINER_IDStops the container
    docker inspect CONTAINER_IDLists all attributes of container with id CONTAINER_ID
    Generic docker commands


    docker network listLists all configured networks
    docker inspect NETWORK_IDDisplays all attributes of network with id NETWORK_ID
    docker run 
    –name alpine-2 
    –network=none alpine
    Runs a new container with name = alpine-2 and attachs it to network “none”, using image name = alpine
    docker network create 
    –driver bridge 
    Creates a new network with type = bridge, subnet and gateway Network name will be wp-mysql-network
    docker run 
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 
    –name mysql-db 
    –network wp-mysql-network mysql:5.6
    Runs a new container (detached mode) assigning an environment variable MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 and container name = mysql-db. The container will be attached to the network with name wp-mysql-network. Image used to run the container: mysql:5.6
    docker run –network=wp-mysql-network 
    -e DB_Host=mysql-db -e DB_Password=db_pass123 
    -p 38080:8080 
    –name webapp 
    –link mysql-db:mysql-db 
    Runs a new container from image kodekloud/simple-webapp-mysql and with name webapp.Container gets attached to network with name wp-mysql-network 2 environment variables are defined Internal (container) network port 8080 is exposed to port 38080 (host) The container gets linked to container with name mysql-db Runs in detached mode
    Docker networking most common commands

    Storage Management

    docker run -v /opt/data:/var/lib/mysql 
    -d –name mysql-db
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=db_pass123 mysql
    Runs a new container in detached mode and with name mysql-dbMaps the container directory /var/lib/mysql over the host directory /opt/data (bind-mounting) Sets an environment variable Uses the image with name mysql alternative using –mount option (rather than -v)
    docker run –mount type=bind,source=/opt/data,target=/var/lib/mysql mysql
    docker volume create data_volumeCreates a new persisted volume named as data_volume (will be a new folder at /var/lib/docker/volumes into host file system) and runs a new container mapping the persisted volume to /var/lib/mysql
    docker run -v data_volume:/var/lib/mysql mysql
    Docker storage management useful commands

    Docker image build

    Docker file sample:

    FROM Ubuntu	Each statement is a layer with its space usage
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install python
    RUN pip install flask flask-mysql
    COPY . /opt/source/code
    ENTRYPOINT FLASK_APP=/opt/source-code/ flask run

    Command to be issues in order to create an image:

    docker build Dockerfile -t username/app-name

    Docker registry management

    docker run -d -p 5000:5000 –name registry registry:2Creates a new local registry
    docker image tag my-image localhost:5000/my-imageTagging an image so that it gets stored on the local registry
    docker push localhost:5000/my-imagePushing an image to the local registry
    docker pull localhost:5000/my-imagePulling an image from the local registry
    Docker registry management useful commands

    Log management

    docker log -f CONTAINER_IDPrints out logs from CONTAINER_ID (-f = follow)
    Docker logs management

    Info & Tips

    Docker engine

    Docker is made up of 3 components:

    • Docker daemon
    • REST API
    • Docker CLI

    When you install docker on a linux host, all 3 components are deployed.

    Docker CLI can also be installed as single component and then used to run docker commands on a remote host with REST API and Docker daemon.

    To run docker commands on a remote host:

    docker -H=ip_of_remote_docker_engine:2375 run nginx

    Docker cgroups

    To limit the % of CPU that can be assigned to a container (.5 = cannot use more than 50% of host CPU):

    docker run --cpu=.5 ubuntu

    To limit the amount of memory that can be allocated from a container:

    docker run --memory=100m ubuntu