• Falco
    DevOps,  DevSecOps,  Kubernetes,  Monitoring Tools

    Kubernetes security: Detect and react to intrusions with Falco

    Table of Contents


    Falco is an open-source application that you can use to detect (and, optionally, react) intrusions.

    It comes with a set of pre-installed rules to which exceptions can be easily added.

    Custom rules can of course be installed as well.

    Events can be fetched both interacting with a kernel module, eBPF probes are also supported.

    This guide covers first use-case above and relates to deployment via helm chart within a kubernetes cluster.



    This guide assumes you have a pre-installed kubernetes cluster (on-premise) with all necessary configurations to use kubectl.

    Debian / Ubuntu based OS

    Install packages required to fetch syscall from host OS kernel:

    curl -s https://falco.org/repo/falcosecurity-3672BA8F.asc | apt-key add -
    echo "deb https://download.falco.org/packages/deb stable main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/falcosecurity.list
    apt-get update -y
    apt-get -y install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

    CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Amazon Linux based OS

    rpm --import https://falco.org/repo/falcosecurity-3672BA8F.asc
    curl -s -o /etc/yum.repos.d/falcosecurity.repo https://falco.org/repo/falcosecurity-rpm.repo
    yum -y install kernel-devel-$(uname -r)

    Installing via helm chart

    helm repo add falcosecurity https://falcosecurity.github.io/charts
    helm repo update

    Now, create the namespace:

    kubectl create namespace falco

    Create a new PersistentVolume. Make sure to replace the following attributes according to your needs/environment:

    • spec.capacity.storage
    • spec.local.path (pathname of local directory on your host node)
    • spec.nodeAffinity.required.nodeSelectorTerms.matchExpressions.key.value (must match your k8s node’s name)

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
      - kubernetes.io/pv-protection
      name: redis-data
      namespace: falco
      - ReadWriteOnce
        storage: 5Gi
        path: YOUR_LOCAL_PATH_HERE
          - matchExpressions:
            - key: kubernetes.io/hostname
              operator: In
              - YOUR_NODE_NAME_HERE
      persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
      volumeMode: Filesystem

    Install the helm chart:

    helm install falco \
      --set falco.grpc.enabled=true \
      --set falco.grpc_output.enabled=true \
      --set falcosidekick.enabled=true \
      --set falcosidekick.webui.enabled=true \
      falcosecurity/falco \
      --namespace falco

    Make sure all pods are up and running:

    Falco pods
    Falco pods

    Based on the arguments we provided while installing the helm chart, sidekick UI is enabled. To make it accessible, you will have to expose port 2802:

    kubectl expose service falco-falcosidekick-ui --port=2802 --target-port=2802 --external-ip=YOUR_NODE_IP_ADDRESS --name=falco-falcosidekick-ui-external -n falco

    From this moment, you should be able to access sidekick UI at http://YOUR_NODE_IP_ADDRESS:2802

    Default credentials: admin/admin

    Falco sidekick UI
    Falco sidekick UI

    Adding rules exceptions

    You might need to add exceptions to pre-installed rules since they might be too restrictive based on how you use this system.

    To do so, create a yaml file (e.g. rules_exceptions.yaml) and add your exceptions.


      custom_rules_from_default: |-
        - rule: Read sensitive file untrusted
          append: true
          - name: microsoft_omsagent_plugin
            fields: [container.id, fd.name, proc.cmdline, proc.name, proc.pname, user.name]
            comps: [=, =, =, =, =, =]
            - [host, /etc/shadow, omsbaseline -d /opt/microsoft/omsagent/plugin/, omsbaseline, omsbaseline, root]
          - name: wdavdaemon
            fields: [proc.name]
            comps: [=]
            - [wdavdaemon]

    2nd rule above (name: wdavdaemon) will not fire any alert in case default settings for rule “wdavdaemon” are satisfied but the syscall attribute proc.name = “wdavdaemon”.

    1st rule above is providing an exception based on value from multiple attributes (container.id, fd.name, etc.)

    To install the new rule file, upgrade the helm chart:

    helm upgrade --install falco falcosecurity/falco --namespace falco --reuse-values -f rules_exceptions.yaml

    Whenever an event breaks a security rule, it gets logged to stdout.

    Exporting events to Prometheus

    stdout from falco core can be made available as application metric so that Prometheus can easily scrape such endpoint and have access to all events.

    To do so, we need to deploy an extra component: Falco exporter (see https://github.com/falcosecurity/falco-exporter)

    This component can be easily installed via helm chart:

    helm install falco-exporter falcosecurity/falco-exporter --namespace falco

    Falco-exporter is available, by default, on port 9376. In case your Prometheus instance is running on a different host, you will have to expose the port:

    helm install falco-exporter falcosecurity/falco-exporter --namespace falco
     kubectl expose service falco-exporter --port=9376 --target-port=9376 --external-ip=YOUR_NODE_IP_HERE --name=falco-exporter-external -n falco

    From this moment, you can add http://YOUR_NODE_IP:9376 as additional scrape target to your Prometheus configuration.

    Falco events on Prometheus UI
    Falco events on Prometheus UI

    From this moment you can add custom alerts on Prometheus or, even better, create your owns from Grafana’s UI.

    Adding custom alerts to Prometheus
    How to send email notifications from Grafana alerts
  • Blackbox - Prometheus Overview
    DevOps,  Grafana,  Kubernetes,  Monitoring Tools,  Prometheus

    Monitoring application health with blackbox-exporter

    Prometheus standard deployment and configuration has already been discussed on other posts, but what if you want to expose metrics about your custom application stack health? This page explains how to achieve this, by taking advantage of blackbox-exporter, so that your application components running on a kubernetes cluster will be easily monitored.


    Generally speaking, blackbox stands in between your Prometheus instance and your custom application components: Prometheus fetches metrics asking blackbox to target custom endpoints. Response will be given back using the format expected by Prometheus. Endspoints are typically your cluster’s Pods, Services and Ingresses.



    blackbox-exporter installation (via helm chart)

    • Add the helm repo
    helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
    help repo update
    • Create a file: values.yaml
          prober: http
          timeout: 5s
            valid_http_versions: ["HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/2.0"]
            follow_redirects: true
            preferred_ip_protocol: "ip4"
    • Install the helm chart (in this case, we are using “monitoring” namespace):
    helm install prometheus-blackbox prometheus-community/prometheus-blackbox-exporter -n monitoring -f values.yaml

    Adding custom scrape targets to blackbox

    As regards how to add extra scrape targets, see https://matteorenzi.com/2022/10/08/prometheus-operator-how-to-add-custom-scrape-targets/

    Below some sample targets that you might want to add:

    Probing external targets (sample: www.google.com)

    - job_name: 'blackbox-external-targets'
      metrics_path: /probe
        module: [http_2xx]
        - targets:
          - https://www.google.com
        - source_labels: [__address__]
          target_label: __param_target
        - source_labels: [__param_target]
          target_label: instance
        - target_label: __address__
          replacement: prometheus-blackbox-prometheus-blackbox-exporter.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9115

    Probing your cluster Services

    - job_name: "blackbox-kubernetes-services"
      metrics_path: /probe
        module: [http_2xx]
      - role: service
        - source_labels: [__address__]
          target_label: __param_target
        - target_label: __address__
          replacement:  prometheus-blackbox-prometheus-blackbox-exporter.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9115
        - source_labels: [__param_target]
          target_label: instance
        - action: labelmap
          regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
        - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
          target_label: kubernetes_namespace
        - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
          target_label: kubernetes_service_name

    Probing cluster Ingresses

    - job_name: "blackbox-kubernetes-ingresses"
      metrics_path: /probe
        module: [http_2xx]
      - role: ingress
        - source_labels:
          regex: (.+);(.+);(.+)
          replacement: ://
          target_label: __param_target
        - target_label: __address__
          replacement: prometheus-blackbox-prometheus-blackbox-exporter.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9115
        - source_labels: [__param_target]
          target_label: instance
        - action: labelmap
          regex: __meta_kubernetes_ingress_label_(.+)
        - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
          target_label: kubernetes_namespace
        - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_ingress_name]
          target_label: ingress_name

    Probing cluster Pods

    - job_name: "blackbox-kubernetes-pods"
      metrics_path: /probe
        module: [http_2xx]
      - role: pod
        - source_labels: [__address__]
          target_label: __param_target
        - target_label: __address__
          replacement: prometheus-blackbox-prometheus-blackbox-exporter.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9115
        - source_labels: [__param_target]
          replacement: /health
          target_label: instance
        - action: labelmap
          regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
        - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
          target_label: kubernetes_namespace
        - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
          target_label: kubernetes_pod_name

    Checking new targets / probes

    Once the new scraping targets have been applied, they must be visible on Prometheus: Status -> Targets

    Prometheus targets
    New Targets on Prometheus UI

    Probes can be queried like this:

    Probes on Prometheus UI
    New probes

    Sample query: Check HTTP status code from an ingress:

    Prometheus UI
    Prometheus UI: Querying a probe

    And they will be accessible from Grafana as well:

    Grafana dashboard
    Probes visualisation on a Grafana dashboard
  • Grafana
    DevOps,  Grafana,  Kubernetes,  Monitoring Tools

    Grafana running on kubernetes: How to configure SMTP integration

    Grafana has a built-in alerting system and it can be used to trigger email notifications whenever an alert is raised. This page shows you how to configure the integration with an external SMTP server.

    • Create a ConfigMap that includes the grafana.ini main configuration file
      • Sample ConfigMap yaml manifest:
    apiVersion: v1
      grafana.ini: |
        check_for_updates = true
        url = https://grafana.net
        mode = console
        data = /var/lib/grafana/
        logs = /var/log/grafana
        plugins = /var/lib/grafana/plugins
        provisioning = /etc/grafana/provisioning
        domain =
        enabled = true
        host = smtp.test.com:587
        user = test@test.com
        password = xxxxxxxxx
        startTLS_policy = MandatoryStartTLS
        skip_verify = true
        from_address = test@test.com
        from_name = Grafana
    kind: ConfigMap
        meta.helm.sh/release-name: prometheus
        meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: monitoring
        app.kubernetes.io/instance: prometheus
        app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
        app.kubernetes.io/name: grafana
        app.kubernetes.io/version: 9.1.4
        helm.sh/chart: grafana-6.38.0
      name: prometheus-grafana
      namespace: monitoring
    • Restart grafana pod(s) to apply the new config described above:
    # kubectl delete -n monitoring $(kubectl get pods -n monitoring -o=name -l app.kubernetes.io/name=grafana)
  • Prometheus logo
    DevOps,  Kubernetes,  Monitoring Tools,  Prometheus

    Prometheus-operator: How to modify or delete pre-installed alerts

    This guide relates to Prometheus-operator.

    Prometheus-operator operator comes with a set of pre-installed alerts. This page shows you how to edit/remove them.

    • Prometheus operator stores rules into PrometheusRule objects. In case you found a rule by looking into the Prometheus web UI, first thing you have to do is determine the group name:
    Prometheus pre-existing rule
    • Now, retrieve the list of all PrometheusRule objects available within the cluster:
    root@odin:~/prometheus# kubectl get prometheusrule -n monitoring
    NAME                                                              AGE
    prometheus-icas-rules                                             7d2h
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-alertmanager.rules                     22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-config-reloaders                       22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-etcd                                   22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-general.rules                          22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-k8s.rules                              22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kube-apiserver-availability.rules      22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kube-apiserver-burnrate.rules          22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kube-apiserver-histogram.rules         22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kube-apiserver-slos                    22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kube-prometheus-general.rules          22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kube-prometheus-node-recording.rules   22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kube-scheduler.rules                   22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kube-state-metrics                     22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kubelet.rules                          22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kubernetes-apps                        22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kubernetes-resources                   22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kubernetes-storage                     22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kubernetes-system                      22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kubernetes-system-apiserver            22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kubernetes-system-controller-manager   22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kubernetes-system-kube-proxy           22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kubernetes-system-kubelet              22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-kubernetes-system-scheduler            22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-node-exporter                          22d    <------
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-node-exporter.rules                    22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-node-network                           22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-node.rules                             22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus                             22d
    prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus-operator                    22d
    • Now you can edit the object and change/delete the rule:
    root@odin:~/prometheus# kubectl edit prometheusrule/prometheus-kube-prometheus-node-exporter -n monitoring
    # Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
    # and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
    # reopened with the relevant failures.
    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: PrometheusRule
        meta.helm.sh/release-name: prometheus
        meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: monitoring
      creationTimestamp: "2022-09-15T07:20:01Z"
      generation: 1
        app: kube-prometheus-stack
        app.kubernetes.io/instance: prometheus
        app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
        app.kubernetes.io/part-of: kube-prometheus-stack
        app.kubernetes.io/version: 40.0.0
        chart: kube-prometheus-stack-40.0.0
        heritage: Helm
        release: prometheus
      name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-node-exporter
      namespace: monitoring
      resourceVersion: "8740458"
      uid: c0a48da3-f7dd-4677-8ed5-2339e5d8d8c1
      - name: node-exporter
        - alert: NodeFilesystemSpaceFillingUp
            description: Filesystem on {{ $labels.device }} at {{ $labels.instance }}
              has only {{ printf "%.2f" $value }}% available space left and is filling
            runbook_url: https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev/runbooks/node/nodefilesystemspacefillingup
            summary: Filesystem is predicted to run out of space within the next 24 hours.
          expr: |-
              node_filesystem_avail_bytes{job="node-exporter",fstype!=""} / node_filesystem_size_bytes{job="node-exporter",fstype!=""} * 100 < 15
              predict_linear(node_filesystem_avail_bytes{job="node-exporter",fstype!=""}[6h], 24*60*60) < 0
              node_filesystem_readonly{job="node-exporter",fstype!=""} == 0
          for: 1h
            severity: warning
    . . .
  • Prometheus logo
    DevOps,  Kubernetes,  Monitoring Tools,  Prometheus

    Prometheus-operator: How to configure email notifications for alerts

    This guide relates to Prometheus-operator.

    Whenever an alerting rule on Prometheus starts firing, the issue is only visible either accessing Prometheus web UI or from Grafana. In case you want it to trigger email notifications as well, follow this guide.

    • Create a new Secret to store your SMTP server’s authentication password (only if it requires authentication)
      • Sample yaml manifest:
    apiVersion: v1
      password: abcde==
    kind: Secret
      name: prometheus-smtp-settings
      namespace: monitoring
    type: Opaque
    • Create a new AlertmanagerConfig object
      • Sample yaml manifest (replace SMTP settings according to your SMTP server):
    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: AlertmanagerConfig
      name: prometheus-alertmanager-email-configs
      namespace: monitoring
        alertmanagerConfig: email
        groupBy: ['alertname']
        groupWait: 10s
        groupInterval: 10s
        repeatInterval: 5m
        receiver: 'email'
      - name: 'email'
        - to: 'test@test.com'
          from: 'test@test.com'
          smarthost: smtp.test.com:587
          authUsername: test@test.com
            name: prometheus-smtp-settings
            key: password
          requireTLS: true

    Filtering alerts based on their label

    In case you want to filter alerts that should be routed to the receiver (“email”, from sample above), you can add a filtering rule as child of spec.route


    . . .
        groupBy: ['alertname']
        groupWait: 10s
        groupInterval: 10s
        repeatInterval: 5m
        receiver: 'email'
          - severity=~"critical|warning"
    . . .
    • Restart prometheus alertmanager:
    $ kubectl delete -n monitoring $(kubectl get pods -n monitoring -l alertmanager=prometheus-kube-prometheus-alertmanager -o=name)